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Sunday, 22 May 2011

NOTD: I've 'Bee'-n Buzzy

I've had a thing about nail art recently. I think it's because my nails are long and in such good condition recently, which then means I have the urge to paint them all sorts of pretty colours with funky colours. Plus I'm off work at the moment with no wedding to plan for, which means I have more time on my hands. Yeay! I love my job and I loved my wedding, but it's nice not to think about them for a while. 

Here's my latest creation. When I say my creation I mean that I painted them, but the inspiration came from here. I saw this video sometime last year and for some reason today it popped into my head. I love them. She explains how to do them so much better than I ever could. Though the video I've linked must have been re-uploaded because I'm positive I saw this last year, but this video is dated March 2011. Very odd. Anyway...

 I love bumble bees and I love how much they make me think of summer. 

Speak Soon,


  1. They are amazing! I am rubbish at doing stuff like that x

  2. I saw it last year too, I think! xx

  3. Oooh I'm so glad, I thought I was going mad. haha. x

  4. Love them, they look amazing x


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