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Tuesday, 31 January 2012

365 Challenge Day 30 - 30/01/2012

Little Things to Brighten the Day

365 Photo Challenge January

I noticed this cute little fella on one of the shelves at work. I'm not sure where he came from, or who he belongs to but he did make me smile. Now it's no secret that giraffes are my favourite animal, but what you may not know is that giraffes are also an inside joke between my husband and I, and it all started with my engagement ring. So now I guess you'll know why this made my day. Anything that reminds me of my husband brightens my day.


1 comment:

  1. that last sentence was such a sweet statement... reading it will definitely make his day as well :)

    thanks for your comment on artsy ants. i'll poke around your blog a little now to see what you're up to!


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