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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Sunday Snaps - Weekly Photo Dump # 2

Sunday Snaps KatieWrites

/ Mike before band practice // posing in a concrete tube // our only Christmas item left over that I cannot let go of // filling up our tyres // my embarrassingly growing perfume collection // a french braid bun that didn't quite photograph // it's been a long time since we've taken our own couple picture // a little obsession // Mike + Park /

So these were actually the pictures from last week rather than this, but I don't know about anyone else but my week flew, before I knew it, it was Sunday again. I also found out that in a weeks time I have a week off work, which I am very excited about. I love work, but those stressful weeks make appreciate my  weeks off. I'm also getting rather excited for Valentines Day. I've got so many crafty ideas and thing to make for my wonderful husband. Plus it will be our first one as a married couple. Yay! 


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