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Sunday, 22 January 2012

365 Challenge Day 21 - 21/01/2012

Sock it to Me Millie

365 Photo Challenge January

What a lovely Saturday. Don't get me wrong work was not amazing, but it was far from bad, and I only left 10 minutes late which was a record for me. haha. On the way home I stopped off at my Nanna's to drop of some photographs. I only intended staying for a bit, but ended up staying until I had to set of to meet Mike from work. I love going to my Nanna's, so much so that I never want to leave. I could sit and watching TV with her forever. 

After meeting Mike from work we attempted to take Millie for a walk, but noticed that her foot was still bleeding from her injury last night. After cleaning her up we decided to attempt dressing it with a clean sock. haha. It worked a treat, and I think that Millie secretly enjoyed wearing it. We ended up walking another two miles, and she didn't even limp once. I think she's finally on the mend.



  1. AWh she's gorgeous! What breed is she? xxx

    1. Thank you, she's a cross between a Dalmatian and a Border Collie, A Dollie. And believe me he lives by her name. Our little dollie. x

  2. Awwwww! What a sweetie! And a happy little face despite the "sock" :)

    I've got a bichon called Flossie and after having some blood taken at the vets they put a bright green bandage on her leg!! Boy did she milk her part!! :D xx

    1. I must say that she did milk the little cut, but after a chew she was like a new dog. haha. And I really think she loved the sock, she didn't want it off. Dogs eh? Flossie must be adorable. x


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