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Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Goodbye PS3... Hello XBOX 360

Poop picture, but it does the trick

As I'm sure all of you girls out there, who have partners or brothers, or even you yourself, will know about the recent situation with the PlayStation network. If you don't know, the playstation network is what enables PS3 users to play online, and it's been down for a week. I unfortunately found out as soon as it happened... thank you Michael. He has been a nightmare for the past week, constantly checking online and watching youtube videos to try to find out more information. I've never seen anyone more obsessed. Haha. 

Today we hit that point where we/I had had enough. Once we found out that even personal account details had been hacked we decided it was time to say goodbye to the PS3 and welcome the XBOX 360 into our lives. 

Years ago we had an XBOX which we loved. We then upgraded to the 360 which was equally loved, until we got the dreaded red lights... twice! Now three years on we're back with the new an improved system. We even decided to get KINECT. Now none of this cost us a penny as we traded in the PS3 along with many games to get this. Good job really, as with our wedding fast approaching, we have little funds to go and blow on a games console. 

Mike is currently setting up the system as I type this, and I'm getting rather excited. Bless him, the lovely sweetheart that he is bought me Zumba, and soon I'm going to Zumba my butt off. Giddy. I'll let you know how it goes. Maybe I'll lose a few pounds for the big day. Maybe not. Haha. 

Boys and their Toys

 I hope he hurries up and gets it set up soon. 
Though I'm not sure when or if I'll get a go.

Anyone notice the Peter Griffin reference? Haha.

Anyone have an XBOX? 
If so can you recommend me some good girl friendly games?

Speak Soon, 

P.S I'm slightly scared of the KINECT. It keeps looking at me, and moves on it's own. I won't be sleeping downstairs any time soon.


  1. Haha, I'm totally with you on the kinect scariness - it moves to look at me when I'm not even using it and I've convinced myself that Microsoft are using the cameras to spy on everyone! :P haha. x x

  2. That's exactly what I said. Haha. I have developed a love hate or fear relationship with it now though. It' so much fun, but it can cause injuries. Like kicking the coffee table. haha. x

  3. My boyfriend & I both have an Xbox, but no Kinect. Really want to buy Kinect, maybe later on in the year.

  4. LOL at the kinect, it'd be like being on Big Brother.. a camera constantly watching :P x


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