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Thursday, 16 June 2011

30 Book Challenge

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I'm sure that you have all heard of the 10 pan challenge, well who hasn't? Well the concept to my 30 book challenge is pretty much the same. I've come to realise that I have a lot of books. Well that's an understatement! Every month I seem to add to this collection, and though I only ever buy books that are on offer this really does add up. I now have enough books to last me a year... at least. 

So my 30 book challenge was born. Now bare in mind that so far this year I have only read 13 books, this challenge could last a long time. There are still some books I want, but they will still be there once my book challenge is over. This is going to be hard... sounds pathetic doesn't it?! 

I'm hoping that this challenge will not only curb my spending habits, but encourage me to read more. Wish me luck!

Anyone else fancy joining me?
Speak Soon, 


  1. good luck!! i wish i had that problem, but i find that i am having trouble finding books that i love. will have to check out some of the books you are reading:)

  2. Good luck. I'm in the same situation as I've bought so many books the last month or so and just not had the time to read them. Definitely joining you with the challenge although mine is going to be more of a 10 book challenge :) x

  3. I'm already on that challenge! Lol I even came up with drawing from a bag to figure out the next book I'm reading :)

  4. @Arianne Cruz Good Idea. It is a big world so I figured that a Book Challenge would already exist but I've not actually read it anywhere as of yet. You'll have to link me to yours and we can encourage each other. x

  5. @katelin xoxo I can definitely recommend a few good reads but it really depends on what you're into. I would say that no matter what genre you like 'The Hunger Games' series is just amazing! x

  6. @Samantha Good luck with yours. I was originally going to start will 10, but I though I'd bump the game up a bit and 30 just seemed like a good, round number. Plus I have over 20 new books on the table when I decided I needed to do something about my addiction. haha. x


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