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Monday, 11 July 2011

OOTD: Michael Style

I'm sat here mid-way through cutting out felt petals, with a belly covered in felt scraps, and decided what a perfect time to post Michaels OOTD post. haha.

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Funnily enough he's dressed from head to toe in Primark excluding the shoes, though they are not in the picture anyway. I guess I'm not as good at taking OOTD pictures as Michael. I love these pictures and though it's not an actual OOTD, I do love how they tell a story. He starts by sulking, then poses, then pokes his tongue out in defiance, then laughs. Oh how I love my husband. 

Hope you enjoyed.
Speak Soon


  1. hehe think my boyfriend has the same shirt:P

  2. I was reading this post last night in bed and I scrolled back up after you wrote that the pictures tell a story. My boyfriend noticed and was like "Geeeze, stop checking that guy out!!" hahaha. x

  3. Hi Katie, I have just found your cool little blog. Nice to stummble across a fellow Brit. I got my hubby a shirt for a wedding there.Have a sunny day x JO

  4. hahah love all the goofy faces! That's totally what my boyfriend would do too!

  5. @ Claire Ann - I love it... it's just so soft, and I'm sure I picked up for only £4! Bargain! Whoop whoop. x

    @katie louise - haha. Well I wouldn't be surprised if you were checking him out. haha. I may be bias though. I must admit that I keep flicking up and down. x

    @pangaloon - Thank you for you lovely comment. It always makes my day when someone new finds my blog... and likes it. x

    @ Annie @ Wattlebird - Nice to know that I'm not the only one stuck with a nutter. haha. x


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