Well we've said goodbye to June. It's now July and to be honest I have absolutely no idea where June went! One minute it was here, then next we're not only onto the next month but we're already half way through 2011! Incredible! I remember when I was younger thinking how slowly each year past, where the summer holidays seemed to last forever. It's crazy to think that the older you get the quicker the months pass. Soon we'll be here in 5 years times wondering where the last few years went, but for now we'll just treasure the here and now.
So what happened this month?
I'm not quite sure. And if it wasn't for this blog I would have thought the month passed completely uneventful where in reality quite a fair bit has happened. And it's not until I look back at my Hello June and wonder what I wanted out of June, that I reminisce about what a lovely month it's been.
♥ Most importantly Michael and I celebrated our first full month as a married couple. Exciting!
♥ We officially and legally change our name. We decided against Mr and Mrs Cahill and instead Michael chose to take my second name. So our Mr and Mrs name will remain a mystery... for now. My Dad's reaction to our new Surnames melted my heart as he lit up at the though of his grandchildren sharing his family name.
♥ I changed an important part of my diet and yes I do feel great. Though it is something I should have been doing for a very long time. Drinking water! I'm useless at drinking enough water, but believe me carrying a 1.5l bottle of water around with you really does help. You just seem to guzzle it down without even realising.
♥ In regards to my online store, I'm getting there. I'm creating at many new things as possible before I officially open up. I have chosen a name but we'll keep that a secret for now, but I will say that it suits my creations very well. We were contemplating 'Get Felt' at one point but decided it was too offensive. haha!
♥ It was my Nanna's 89th Birthday on the 10th and I did bake her the most amazing birthday cake, and though it was two weeks late in the making it was still worth the wait. I laughed at the sight and now thought of it as I decided to use four sponges and stack them, with buttercream between each one (instead of the usual two) and it was massive!
♥ Finally you'll be please to hear that I did in fact bath the dog, though she's now due for another one. Typical. haha.
♥ I started my 30 Book Challenge, which is so much fun but most definitely a challenge. I need to stop leaving pictures of books around the house as hints for Michael. Just because I can't buy 'me' books doesn't mean he can't. haha.
♥ Most amazingly June was the month I hit 100 followers! Don't worry I haven't just ignored this point I do have something up my sleeve but you'll just have to wait and see. But I did want to say a huge THANK YOU! it means so much to me. And to all of you that comment on my posts you have fast become a part of my daily life. Reading and replying to your messages make this whole blogging experience that little bit more exciting. And to the rest of you, just knowing you're there is incredible.
Overall a pretty productive month. Though I think we both failed as the keeping in touch with friends aim didn't really go to plan. I'm useless at that. Life just kind of takes over. Though this will always be a constant struggle especially when your best friend is your husband. It's hard to share the time I have with him with other people. I am just so selfish.
It was also the month of the many car troubles. And the month where household appliances (if you can class a TV as an appliance) began to fall apart. haha. It's funny now but it wasn't at the time.
So I'm looking forward to what July has in store for us, though what do I want to get out of it?
♥ I want to save some money and pay off the small but still existent debts we do have.
♥ Create more fun and inspiring things for my shop before I go live.
♥ Try and combat these terrible headaches I've found myself getting recently.
♥ Enjoy the summer and go on a few day trips with the husband.
♥ Set up Skype so I can talk to my Dad. I do miss him.
♥ Get the kitchen tap fixed. I'm sick of listening to running water.
♥ Begin the process of getting fit!
♥ Clear the clutter and sell the items you've been meaning to sell on ebay for months.
♥ Start pole dancing again... we can't let that pole go to waste.
I'm going to leave it there for now, because for some reason I'm very motivate and could see this list becoming never ending. Hopefully this ambition will last me through the month!
What have you got planned for the month of July?
Speak Soon,
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